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Temple Wellness62 is committed to supporting and guiding you with making positive, lasting lifestyle changes.

Temple Wellness is here to help you care for the temple that God has given you!

Meet Cheryl Monroe

Integrative Holistic Health and Wellness Coach of Templewellness62

My journey started over a decade ago when I noticed that things about my health were interfering with my wellness. As I gained weight, it began to hinder my mobility, sleep, motivation, and drained my energy. Something had to change, and that was the way I was consuming unhealthy foods daily. In that moment of revelation, I decided that I had to make a lifestyle change.  ​ 

Today I am a certified Integrative Holistic Health & Wellness Coach


What I have done has transformed my health and wellbeing. It has helped me gain balance in many areas of my life. My health and wellness journey has helped me gain balance in many areas of my life, and has also fueled my passion to help others gain that same control and to bring balance to their lives with a similar approach. This passion is the reason why I founded Temple Wellness.

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Temple Wellness62 is committed to supporting and guiding you with making positive, lasting lifestyle changes. We will work with you in personalizing a program that meets your needs and leads to a healthier you. Book a 30-minute complimentary assessment with us today!

Explore Our Products


The wellness wheel is a tool for self exploration which promotes the concept that balance is the key to wellbeing.


The dimensions on the wheel are used as markers to help individuals accomplish a well rounded, healthy lifestyle and live a life of value and meaning to and for themselves.


The wheel has actually grown to include seven categories. Today, the dimensions which include: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, social, and occupational wellness. These are all separate yet interconnected categories that contribute to reaching a balanced life.


You may ask, Why the Wellness Wheel?

Well the Wellness Wheel can help increase our self-awareness in areas related to our health and wellness. Sometimes we think of health and wellness just in terms of fitness and nutrition, truth is there's many other areas!


The process of using a Wellness Wheel is highly individual and unique to you.


Your Wellness Wheel may change throughout the year and look different from that of your friends or family members! The important part is to learn something new about yourself each time review and revise your Wheel.


It's a great tool to begin a new lifestyle and a healthier you.


Happy Clients, Happy Us!

#templewellness62 7 day detox box was right for me. I wanted something new during this journey, so I decided to try it out! Everything in the box from the food to the drinks were delicious! Detoxifying my body not only help me go from 192 lbs to 174lbs, but it made me feel the best I've felt physically in a long time.
#templewellness62 met my every need with her products.Templewellness62 is highly recommended if you want to get on the right track for healthy living and lifestyle change.

Yvonne Gallman

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health + wellness journey?  

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